This guide is for those who use Link2SD, because Link2SD cannot move data into sdcard second partition.When you see SNS in system apps via Link2SD, the data files consume up to 15MB, because I sync my twitter and facebook to my contact, and this cause a problem for me, because It consumes internal storage.
This is how I do it :Warning!
If you want to link data files manually, the EASIEST way is NOT to link any lib files with Link2SD. Leave it unlinked, so you can easily link the ENTIRE data folder.
First, you must have link2sd, so that you have sdext2 folder in your /data/ , like this :
Then open your Root Explorer. You will see your root directory like this :
Then tap the data folder :
After that, scroll down until you see data folder in your data folder (Dataception) Then tap it.
Now it should shows all your app data in folder like this :
Now choose the App Data Folder that we want to link, in this case I use (SNSProvider that I deodexed in my previous post)
Then long press the folder, and it should show dialog box like this, select Copy.
After that, go back to data folder, and locate your sdext2 folder
Tap sdext2 folder, and locate data folder in it.
Then tap it, and tap Paste.
Then scroll down and see your in it, then long press it.
The dialog box should show up, scroll down and select Link to this folder.
After that, back to /data folder
Then tap data folder in data folder again to enter it. After that, scroll down to see folder, we are going to delete it.
Long press the folder, the dialog box should show up, tap delete, tap yes.
Then tap create link, and voila! your folder is linked to your SDCard second partition! It should look like this :
Thanks to
MNgez question, I was able to try this way on dalvik cache files, That Link2SD don't link if we don't link our application with it, like dalvik cache files for system app.
So yesterday I experimented it again, and it works! Just do the same way for data files, what differs is we link the dalvik cache file, not data folder. If it succeed, Link2SD also recognize our manual dalvik cache link like this :
Open your Root Explorer. Then navigate to /data/dalvik-cache like this, and you will see dalvik cache files :
Then scroll down to see the dalvik cache file that we want to link, In this case I'll link PhoneSky (Google Play Store) so we search for the file that has phonesky in it.
Then long press the system@app@PhoneSky.apk@classes.dex, the dialog box should shows up, select Move.
Navigate back to /data, then tap sdext2
Scroll down, until you see dalvik-cache folder, tap it.
You should see dalvik-cache files in it, then just tap paste.
Then scroll down until you see your newly dalvik cache file, Long press in it
The Dialog box should shows up, scroll down and tap Link to this file.
Go back to /data folder, navigate into dalvik-cache folder and tap it.
After you're in /data/dalvik-cache folder, tap Create Link
If it succeed, it should look like this :
Voila! Your dalvik cache file has been linked to your SDCard second partition, and Link2SD recognize your manual link! Enjoy!
This should works with .apk too, you should try it yourself!
Update: This works with GT-S5360 too, thanks to hitme987 for informing Hope this helps!